Shakira May be sent 8 year jail on fraud of unpaid Taxes, Find out the details here

Image: Instagram/Shakira

The Colombian singer and worldwide fame popular singer is now on trial over tax fraud in Spain

Image: Instagram/Shakira

Shakira , the Hips Don't Lie singer going to face a trial due to a $13.9 million tax fraud case.

Image: Instagram/Shakira

The Spanish authorities have been cleared that legal action has been taken after the singer, Shakira 

Image: Instagram/Shakira

But the singer Shakira reported that this is a false case and there is nothing true in this case

Image: Instagram/Shakira

After the case, the trial in which Shakira has going to face , the date has not been faced by the court yet

Image: Instagram/Shakira

As per the law of Spain if a person doing a fraud in the tax , then he may be sentenced to eight years to jail

Image: Instagram/Shakira

According the media reports Shakira is not paying the tax properly from 2012 to 2014 , this is now creating a problematic situation

Image: Instagram/Shakira

But Shakira denied anything wrong she has done in the past, as she paid the taxes in time 

Image: Instagram/Shakira

If Shakira found guilty in the trial of tax fraud she may be sent to jail for eight years which is the law of Spain.

Image: Instagram/Shakira