Who Won Nobel Prize in Medicine 2022: All the Details of the scientists and their area of work are given Here

In the Month of October from 3 Oct to 9 Oct all the Nobel prizes are distributed , so that every year of October Nobel prize winners are declared in 6 days.

On October 3, 2022 , the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology  is declared and 4th Oct the Nobel prize winners of Physics has been announced.

The Nobel Prize in Medicine of 2022 given to the  one scientist and the prize money of $900000 will be given to the winner.

The Nobel prize in medicine or physiology is given to SVante Paabo for his extra ordinary help in the field of Human DNA.

Svante Paabo studied about the genomes of the extinct hominins and the human evolution. His main work of interest is the relation between Homo Sapiens and Extinct Humans.

The Nobel prize winner of medicine helped to provide technologies about our ancient past along with the Precision.

The study also find the technical challenges resulting due to the degradation of DNA during the ten thousands years.

The winner also found out the sensational discoveries about the extinct or nearly to go for the extinct specimen along with their DNA.

The winner also found out the sensational discoveries about the extinct or nearly to go for the extinct specimen along with their DNA.